
How to Grow Strong, Healthy Rose Bushes

Roses are one of the most popular flowers to grow in the UK. They are often used in bouquets, as well as being grown as rose bushes in people’s gardens. They come in lots of different colours – many people opt for the traditional reds, pinks and whites, though you can also get colours like yellow and even blue. If you want to grow the perfect roses, here are some tips:

  • Prune rose bushes regularly. Make sure you prune them smaller than you want them to be eventually, as they will grow much bushier in the end.
  • Plant them in a sunny spot. Rose bushes need lots of sunlight and will need around 6 hours a day at least.
  • Add mulch around the base of the bush. This helps reduce the chance of leaves developing fungal diseases.
  • Water deeply, but don’t over water. Make sure the soil stays moist but not wet.