
Should I buy my plants from a nursery?

The cost of buying new plants can be high especially if the plants that are wanted are unusual or already mature. Many people choose to buy plants from supermarkets where they are much cheaper but is this such a good idea?

The age-old saying that you get what you pay for is often true and this is sometimes the case with plants. If you are buying small bedding plants for containers and borders then the cheaper supermarket selections may be fine as they have the usual plants that you would expect such as geraniums, begonia and petunias but if you want a wider choice of plants then buying from a nursery is a better option as they have a more extensive range of variety, colour and size.

The quality of plants on offer at a plant nursery is usually superior which is especially important if you are buying larger plants which cost more money. The staff usually have some horticultural knowledge so are able to advise customers about the correct growing conditions needed for each plant such as soil type, sunny or shady positions and watering needs. They may also be able to recommend particular plants for you if you explain where you want the plants to grow in your garden for instance if you want plants to act as screening or want plants that give off a fragrance when brushed past, so their expertise is invaluable.